Craniosacral Therapy "I've been seeing Tomi for over 5 years now. I had searched for an intuitive, sensitive person for bodywork for a while, and was so happy to find Tomi! She has really helped me to connect to my inner self in a deeper way through Cranial Sacral work, and I am very grateful for that. I've recommended her to friends and they've all been so happy. Tomi is also a very sweet, warm, smart, and funny person in addition to being very gifted at her work. K.G. 7/2015 |
"Tomi is wonderful. I'm still not sure how, but earlier this year my jaw muscles tightened so severely that I had a shooting pain on the left side of my face, couldn't fully rotate my neck, and was in chronic pain. After two weeks of hoping it would go away, I visited Tomi. It was amazing! I felt supported, nurtured, and cared for during the whole process. After 4-6 weeks of weekly visits, the shooting pain has gone away and I am able to function on a daily basis. The difference has been noticeable. She heals on the physical level, but I also felt healed and supported on a much deeper emotional level. Tomi is a truly skilled bodyworker and I cannot recommend her highly enough!" H.R. 2012
Pediatric Craniosacral Therapy
"Tomi has been wonderful to work with for myself and three young kids. She is very patient with the kids and works with their unique energies and we always leave feeling refreshed. I have done Craniosacral appts as well as the Lymphatic Drainage Massage series and both are remarkable. She knows a lot about the body and I trust her to help us on our healing journey!" K.F. 05/23
"This review is a long time coming! Tomi has healing hands that impacted the development of my son. After spending two weeks in the NICU, Tomi's Craniosacral therapy aligned my son's nervous system. The known and unknown traumas he faced as an infant were mitigated by Tomi's expertise and gentle, individualized care. Tomi also helped me move through postpartum symptoms and the reintegration of my mind, body, and spirit. My spouse was also treated to support the byproducts of this experience. This 3-prong approach led to healing and joy being experienced by my entire family, for which I am extremely grateful." M.B. 07/22
Distance Craniosacral Therapy
"Although I have worked with Tomi for the past three years, still I did not know what to expect with a Distance Cranial-sacral session. I imagined it would be very different. It was, and yet how comforted I felt - both in the experience of being 'held' by her, from a distance, while she worked but how the sensations extended throughout the following days. How to describe the experience with words? It is very primal, like being held in the lap of some trusted person and allowing oneself to be safely seen and felt such that my body lightened, and let go. It was a wonderful, but different, way to meditate and contemplate the inner world of my Being". P.S. 5/2020
"I found that working with Tomi in the Distance Cranio form is also powerful and healing but in a more subtle way than the hands-on session. In the distance session, I could feel energy opening up and releasing in my upper back, neck, and head which helped relieve tension in my head that I'd had the whole day. I also felt more of a sense of ease and integration throughout my whole spine and body which made me feel more whole, reducing the stress I had been carrying. I felt my whole system and energy centers relaxing into a deep, calm state. This subtle calm carried into the night helping me to sleep deeply and into the next day. I do recommend Tomi's distance Craniosacral work which is healing on a whole system level." A.T. 5/2020
Manual Lymph Drainage Therapy
"Such a godsend! Tomi was EXACTLY the professional I was looking for! Having had many medical issues that kept me primarily in bed the first four months of the year, I've been working on regaining my muscle tone. A Lymph Drainage series of three appointments was what I was needing. I had the first two appointments before a ten-day trip abroad. The third appointment was upon my return. I could not have better planned that third appointment had I tried! It was exactly what I needed to recover from the trip! Tomi is so kind, knowledgeable, caring, and professional that I want everyone to know about her and book both lymph and cranial sacral treatment appointments with her. It's truly a life-changer! S.N. 10/18
Family Constellation Work
"I had a constellation with Tomi's during a time when I was feeling stuck in a certain area of my life. I had spent time talking about it with friends, therapists, etc., but nothing seemed to shift, nor was I able to access any further wisdom about it. The constellation helped me to get a whole new perspective on the internal dynamic I had been stagnant in. I had expected this much, but what I didn't expect was just how much that new perspective would open up connections to areas of my life (and past) I had no idea were connected to my present circumstances. It was truly a transformative experience, and I felt very tangible shifts come about as a result - some of which, if you had asked me before, I wouldn't have believed were possible. Of course, none of this would have taken place without Tomi's ability to create a safe container. Tomi is an intuitive healer who was able to carefully travel with me as we touched upon memories and sensitive emotions, many from years past. I am not a person who shares such things easily, and I tend to be suspicious of these kinds of practices, but I felt held throughout the experience, and really felt how sacredly Tomi holds this kind of work. I'm still benefiting even all these months later. I'd love to do it again someday!" S.C. 5/20
"I came to Tomi for a constellation because I wanted to heal the wound of my mother leaving when I was a child that played out in co-dependency in a romantic partnership. I knew that I wanted to heal my family, and myself, and learn to love in a more coherent way. My session with Tomi was so powerful--I could feel the shifts in my body and in the field each step of the way. During the integration period, I had an increasing sense of a deeper sense of self emerging, and then after our integration session it was like a lock clicking open. Almost every day now I have a moment where I can see and feel access to choice--the choice to not abandon myself while also staying in loving, clear connection with the other people in my life. Constellation work is a gentle yet potent and elegant way to transform fundamental patterns of harm into choice and love." U.F. 9/2020